We had an absolutely wonderful week in the sun (or shade, in my case!) The villa was lovely, situated in the quiet development of Son Vitamina and having our own pool is just so nice - no one to swim around, rowdy kids or drunk lads to contend with and there's no rush to put out your towels on the sunbeds at stupid o'clock in the morning.

We really relaxed as D and my parents wouldn't let me do anything too strenuous. We mostly visited beaches (how nice are the beaches on Menorca?!) such as Sant Thomas and Cala Galdana, although not too keen on the few jelly fish we saw. We also spent a good 15 minutes or so driving down the bumpiest road ever (not fun!) to reach Calas Coves and were greeted with a gorgeous sight once we got there:

It was so quiet when we got there, although it seems lots of others made the bumpy trip down as it soon got quite busy. There are caves high up in the rocks on the left that people used to live in, but there was no way I was climbing up there! We spent ages watching the crabs crawling in and out of the rocks instead.

We ate lots of nice food too - one of the best things about going on holiday! Had to be a bit cautious though, being pregnant, and would have loved to have eaten more seafood, but didn't dare risk it!
We christened the baby Wiggly as that's all it seemed to do all week - must've liked the fact I was relaxing so much! I doubt we'll go abroad again now for a few years at least, so it was just lovely to be able to do this now before Wiggly arrives.
The hugest, most mahoosive thanks go to Mom and Dad for taking us away for such a lovely week for our birthday prezzies!
Back to earth now though! Loads of washing to do, no food in the fridge and back to work on Monday...
ETA: Why does Bloody Blogger insist on mucking around with the formatting every time?!! GAH!!!