I'm really proud of the work we've been doing on Daring Cardmakers (we hit number 4 on the Crafty Blogs list today!!) and I'd like to be able to share it with my Mom, my best mate, whoever, but so far I haven't told a soul. I'm really scared of them discovering my blog through the link on the site - am I daft? I don't have a lot to hide, but I guess I can be more open on my blog than I may be in reality, purely because it's more anonymous and it's easier for me to write down my feelings than to express them verbally. I know I have met some of you in the flesh, and, to be honest, some of you know me better than my 'real life' friends, but it's still so easy to hide behind the pc.
So, please let me know your thoughts on this. Shall I tell everyone and risk my blogging style changing, or shall I carry on as I am? It's getting harder and harder not to mention recently!
P.S. Does anyone else find it funny that the spellchecker doesn't recognise the word 'blog'?
I've told my friends about my blog and they never stop hearing me go on about Daring cardmakers! I don't think they read it often though (if ever lol), I think theres only so much stuff about papers and ribbon non-papercrafty folk can read before falling asleep!
Do what you feel comfortable with though Kel, its your blog.
Rhi x
Yeah, I'm with Rhi, do what YOU want to do.. I guess it depends on how supportive they are, only you know that.. I bore people silly talking about my blog and all of the wonderful gals, i'm meeting along the way...My mum loves to check my blog when she goes to work, and show it off to the poor girls she works with.. they must hate it...
It just depends on if you treat your blog like a diary or a coffee table book.. (mines a coffee table book) TTFN Gillian
funny to ask you this after you wondering about sharing, but can I add your blog to my link list.
Most people know about my blog. My workmates check out my latest designs & if I've made them anything they like to see if it is on.
My Dad & Sister both read it daily & I warned them that I am open & will not overly edit the truth for fear of them seeing.
My blog is mainly about my crafting but the odd bits & pieces crop up such as my trouble embracing Xmas since my brother in law died & my teddy going everywhere with me as I had a traumatic childhood experience. These are things that make me who I am & if they don't like it they don't have to read it do they?!!!
I'm like you Kel, only my crafty friends know about my blog. But like you I've been thinking that maybe I'd like to sahre it with more people.
A bit of me thinks other people would think it all a bit silly and nerdy - even though half the world blogs these days, I still feel a bit embarrassed!
My parents check out my blog every now and again and my Dad even left a comment on one post... Otherwise I think it's anyone from cyber crafty space (which isn't many anyway!). You could just let it happen naturally and if they find out,they find out (could be next week or 3 years from now) Don't change your style for anyone though - your blog is exactly that, yours!
Only a couple of my friends read mine - hehe I don't want to admit to the rest of them how dull my life is :D:D
I don't hide my blog - the only time I did was in cyberspace amongst craft people funnily enough!
I love my blog mates - but they can get a bit crude so hid for a bit then cleaned it up and deleted the old stuff!!!!
As for you though - well I have Never been one to bare my soul or anything important ... I may moan or laugh ........
So if you are just blogging about everyday stuff and not saying stuff that would be a shock to family etc then go for it - shout it from the roof tops........
Or if you are happy with it as your little bit of cyberspace that you are comfortable with = well then leave it at that!
SEE I am still really helpful eh????
Love Bex
I write my blog for ME, if others want to read it they can. As you've no doubt noticed, mine isn't massively craft based as crafting is the biggest thing in my life anymore, it's more a diary of what I do for me to look back on. Some of my real life friends read it, but not often, and my family don't read it - if they did they might know a bit more about me!
Carry on as you see fit, it's your blog
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