Monday, July 03, 2006

Heat of the Night

Urgh! It's too damn HOT!!! I know, I know, we moan when it's cold and we moan when it's hot, but this really is hot. It's just so muggy and icky and I get all yucky and sticky at work and we've had to keep the children inside as it was just too hot to play out today. I am sat here wearing a very dodgy outfit but I just don't care cos no-one can see me and I feel relatively cool! The fan blasting out behind me may have something to do with that though... I do worry about the bunsters in this weather though - imagine being covered in all that fur in this heat?! I gave them a bottle of frozen water to lie against this morning, but I'm guessing they haven't a clue what it's for and have ignored it all day...

The trouble with this kind of weather is that I just don't feel like doing anything. Going to work is bad enough, but once I get home I just want to flop on the sofa and I feel like Kevin the Teenager from Harry Enfield. I have, however, made a card for the current template challenge on Carolyn's forum and as demonstrated by Kathy B . I'm quite liking this one actually :-)

Damn Blogger for making the pictures look crap!! Oh well, you get the idea... Right, I think I will go and watch Big Brother in bed (can't believe I'm still watching it *rolls eyes*) I'm glad D is on nights this week and I get the bed to myself. It's bad enough trying to sleep next to the snoring, grunting, farting monster that is my lovely hubby, but combine it with the heat and I don't stand a chance...


Carolyn said...

Aww know what you mean about furry animals - Owen and I met a Newfoundland dog at Grafham Water - he was 12 and half stone and very thick fur - he had been swimming! Boy did he seem hot - very friendly tho!

Kathy said...

What those bunnies need is an air-conditioned hutch, Kel
We bought a nice big fan as soon as they appeared in Homebase last year - it was April and it wasn't exactly warm then - but I wasn't getting caught out by leaving it till too late. Used it constantly for those 2 weeks of summer we had last year and felt really smug for having such foresight!

Rachel said...

Kel - Im still watching BB (blush blush hehe) Pete to Win!!!!! x