Saturday, May 27, 2006

Under Pressure

Firstly, I want to shower HUGE apologies on Lythan; I've just read your blog and I didn't realise that I may be contributing to your happiness and wellbeing by updating my blog ;-) So I am sorry, sorry, sorry that it has been almost a whole week since I last posted - you must have been worried, eh? Hehehe.... I now feel totally pressured to keep it regular! To be quite honest, nothing much has been going on, so a load of white space would not a good blog make. I do know what you mean though - I get so drawn in to others' lives that I neeeeeeed to know what's happening, even if it's just to say you got up, watched tv and went to bed again! It's nice to know you're still out there.

So, after an uneventful week in the life of Kel, we have finally reached another weekend and I am so excited I'm practically bouncing! Not only is it, ta-daaaaaaaa!!! a Bank Holiday (again!), but today we are off to a rabbit rescue in Redditch to take Beany on her first bunny-dating session!! There are a couple of boy buns there that I have my eye on - I keep showing her the piccies on the pc, but how do you tell if she's even looking?! However, the choice is really hers, so we're taking her there to meet the lads and hopefully she'll take a fancy to one in particular that we can bond her with. Rabbit bonding is a tricky process as if they don't get on, they can literally rip each other to pieces (eeeeek!!), but the lovely Louise at the rescue has offered to keep Beany there to do the bonding for us - phew!

I've been doing a bit of thinking too. ( I know, I need to be careful and shouldn't do it unsupervised, but hey-ho!) I've pretty much decided that I'm not going to go to the interview on Tuesday. I'm really not sure that I am ready to take on such a huge responsibility. I've found out that the successful applicant will be expected to act as manager when the other girl goes on maternity and it's just made me feel a bit "woah!!!" I'm so not up for that just yet! I think I'd need a lot longer in the deputy job to build up my confidence and knowledge - a lot's changed in the almost 7 years I've been out of child care. There's a lot of changes going on our place and it looks like there will be scope for progression in the not too distant future anyway. I've also recently learnt a lot about the way the owners like the nursery to be managed. Basically, they seem to want to have a manager in place, but then like to make all the decisions themselves and tend to micromanage somewhat. I'm not sure I would like this and don't actually see why they bother with a manager at all :-?

So, there you have it. Hope you're all breathing a sigh of relief that I have managed a blog entry this week! We're off to the rescue in a minute, so wish us luck.....


Lythan said...

Oooh I feel almost famous! Thanks for the update. I think its good that you have thought this job offer through and have several reasons for saying no. I think it makes you sound clear and professional.
are you bringing boy bunny home?
Do you want to run your own bunny nursery?
Just remember that they breed like rabbits!

Kelly K said...

Hehe, not when they've had their 'bits' done they don't!! All being well (if she hasn't eaten him alive) we'll be able to bring them home tomorrow or later in the week!

Rachel said...

Hiya Kel, thanks for the warm welcome back on my blog. Im updating it as fast as I can, so I have lots of time to read up on all yours and visit the forum (perhaps tomorrow when all at school / work hehe)

What a lovely story to come back to about bunny date hehe, and Im sure your decision with the job is right for you, Im sure other opportunities will arise.

Look forward to catching up more with your life xxx