Thursday, May 18, 2006


Right, want the good news or the bad news first? Bad news is I might be leaving the nursery... Good news is it's because they've asked me to interview for the Deputy position at the new nursery (!!!) WTF?! I have to keep looking round to see if there's someone behind me that the conversation is directed at. I'm assuming that the owner's and my boss's opinion of my handling of the disappearing staff debacle of yesterday was positive (she's resigned, by the way). I just can't believe how quickly all this is happening. It was only October that I was taking the plunge and returning to childcare after a break of over 6 years. And that was just as an agency girl.

Now I'm in a real tizz. The interview is Monday, so not long to decide or prepare and I HATE interviews. I get all of a-fluster and forget all common sense answers and come out with rambling, nonsensical rubbish! My boss is off tomorrow, so I can't discuss it further with her. They've asked another girl too, but she's not currently a senior (like me) and to be frank, is a complete waste of space; I'm not sure why they've asked her.

I know I have to go for it - if only because
  • I don't want her to get it over me.
  • It should be more money (although I don't know how much).
  • It's a brand new nursery - only 18 places, new equipment.
  • No shoes to fill.


  • It's a teeny bit further away and I already do a 30 mile round trip each day.
  • I'm happy where I am now and sometimes better the devil you know...
  • If the new nursery folds, although I should get a job back at the first one, it won't be deputy.
  • I'm just not sure I have the knowledge or experience! My boss seems to think I have and I know I lack self-confidence, but what worries me is that the manager of the new place is going on maternity leave shortly after it opens in August and I'm not sure what plans they have in place.

Aaargh!! So, as you see, something of a dilemma and not long to decide. Helpful as ever, D just said "whatever makes you happy". Yeah, thanks for your valuable input, darling. Any avid readers out there (all, ooh, 3 of you!) have any pearls of wisdom to offer?


Jane said...

you simply HAVE to go for it Kel ! It sounds perfect ! Well done you for coming so far so quickly. Good luck with your next step

Lythan said...

Well there are some cons to weigh in - especially the extra miles travelling - but it seems like too good to pass up to me!

Rachel said...

Kel thinking of you hun, go for it you deserve it.

Rachel said...

3 - no there are a few more than that sweetie :-)

Where is the nursery? How much time would it add to your Journey (is it near me and can Cait come??)

THey wouldn't ask you to apply if they didn't think you could do it - but don't let them beat you down on pennies just cos your already in the system - make sure you know the market rate.

As to the mat leave for the manager - that is a flipping good question for the interview if you ask me.
