Friday, May 05, 2006


I've just taken Beany to the vet's. She's being neutered today and I am sitting here crying incase it all goes wrong. Part of me feels selfish as I want her spayed in the hope that she calms down a tad as she's a raving nutter most of the time and so that we can go and find her some bunny loving in the form of a boy bun to keep her company. On the other hand, spaying doe rabbits has health benefits, as a high percentage develop uterine cancer if left 'intact'. She's also been having phantom pregnancies, which is distressing for her as she pulls out her fur to make a nest, only for no babies to arrive. It's not nice for us either, as she acts all hormonal - won't let me pick her up, 'digs' at the floor for hours on end, etc.... I feel a bit sorry for the poor soul who has to deal with her today! I am just so scared that she'll have a bad reaction to the anasthetic. Rabbits are at greater risk than cats or dogs, but the nurse assured me that they do lots of spays and rarely have a problem, so I have to trust them, don't I? I have to call them at 1 pm to see how she's doing, so hopefully I'll have calmed down by then! I think I'll go shopping to take my mind off things.....

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