Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Been tagged by Jane, so here you go! (Do you realise the problems I have trying to find titles for these posts? Will soon be resorting to songs from all decades and films, so please don't be disappointed in me Lythan!)

Gone on a blind date -Yes
Skipped school -No
Seen someone die -No
Snuck out of your parent's house -No
Been in love- Yes
Been dumped - Yes
Been laid off/fired (Made Redundant!!) -Yes
Quit your job Yes
Been in a fist fight?- Not a proper one!
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back -Yes
Been arrested -No
Been to Canada -Yes
Been to Mexico -No
Been on the opposite side of the world -Almost
Been to Paris - Yes
Cried yourself to sleep -Yes
Played cops and robbers -Yes
Recently coloured with crayons -Most days
Sang karaoke -Yes
Paid for a meal with only coins - Yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't -Yes
Made prank phone calls -Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue -Yes
Danced like nobody was watching - No
Been kissed under the mistletoe -Yes
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about -Yes
Blown bubbles -Last week
Crashed a party -Yes
Gone roller-skating-Yes
Ice-skating -Yes
Crashed a car -Yes
Swam in the ocean -Yes
Felt like dying -Yes :(
Made a bonfire on the beach - No
Drank so much you threw up -Once - I don't do vomit - and it wasn't the amount, it was the drink!
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose -Yes
Knitted ? -Yes
Skinny dipped ? -No

Wow, that's a lot of 'yes's'! Does that make me quite adventurous, or did I have a silly youth?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Just done my answers Kel....